2012 UUs!

Happy spring to all the 2012 UUs! Preparations are already in the works for the fall New Orleans area UU retreat to be held Oct. 19, 20 and 21 at Fountainbleau State Park in St. Tammany Parish. This is a blog where the members of the Conscious Living Covenant Group and friends will write about those preparations -- making our fall retreat fun, focusing on relaxation, treading on the earth lightly, keeping our relationships right and honorable with each other and our planet.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Page 2 of new brochure

Page 1 of new brochure

ok -here are the images of the brochure!
It's on Yáll!  we are having the Sat/Sun retreat at NSUU.
As soon as I can, I will post the brochure here.  I can't remember the tricks I did to do that ... grrrrr

but it's on!

key points - if you paid already and need a refund, we will do that - or, you can donate the difference in cost to GNOUU.  Limited camping space, limited indoor floor space for sleeping bags and air mattresses, some NSUUs have space in their homes, Fontainbleu has some available campsites, and there are many hotels in the area.  We really hope you can make it - and we are sorry that it didn't work out as we had planned, but we think Plan B is still pretty darned good!

love to all,

Saturday, September 22, 2012

To Retreat or Not to Retreat ... that is the question

Hello friends!
Our little Hurricane Isaac did some damage at Fontainbleau State park - the park is closed while they work on cleanup and repairs.  I spoke with the park people about our dates for the retreat and asked when they might be reopening.  Their reply was a tentative "Oct 14" - which could be perfect for us since we would be there the next weekend Oct 19.  But we won't know for a few weeks.  I'll check in and keep you posted.

In the meantime, Deanna and the other ministers waggled their heads together and proposed a Plan B of having the Saturday retreat events at the NSUU community center.  Which is a great idea, and may take just a little extra planning - and nothing is written in stone as yet .... I'll keep you posted on that too.

There are lots of campsites around northshore so some of you may want to take some tents and camp out over there somewhere - Bogue Chitto has some public campsites on the river which are nice.

So we will still try and plan to have a retreat into nature with our fellow UUs!

stay tuned ...

and in the meantime - keep an eye out for a BONE MAKING PROJECT!  Part of the 1,000,000 bones project with an aart installation at St Anna's in the Treme!  bones, baby, bones!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Retreat Haiku for today:

Register quite soon
Days pass by more quickly than
We can imagine


Saturday, August 18, 2012

retreat brochure coming soon - sneak peek!

We are super close to finalizing the flyer
It is coming soon - I swear!!!

Shana Walton has helped in taking it from a blah boring Word doc into a colorful and fanciful brochure

here is a sneak peek in it's construction stage ....

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Musings on segregation …. In the dorms at the retreat

Egads – who knew there were so many particlulars to consider when organizing a retreat!  My fellow conscious livers joined me for another session of retreat scheduling, and we found ourselves tasked with determining if and how to provide any segregated sleeping space in the dorms during the retreat. 

Previously, it was segregated by men and women (which I personally don’t like), and sometimes by snorers and non-snorers (which I happen to like a lot!)  But other things came up –like our differing sexual orientations, or do the kids want to stay together or should they be with their parents.  If we segregate by men and women, then how do families stay together?  If we segregate by men and women, where do our transsexuals and transvestites go?  Do we need to create a women only corner to make sure that any women who need a safe place of boundaries are comfortable?  And what about people who need c-pac machines to sleep with that might be noisy?  Do we need a noisy corner, a women-only corner, a kids only corner, a late nighters corner, etc.

What to do, what to do.

So, we are sending Shana to the GNOUU meeting on Monday to pose this question to the ministers and the other members of GNOUU to see what guidance they may have for us.
What are your thoughts?  What do you need to sleep well during a retreat?